CPE 631 Advanced Computer Systems Architecture
Spring 2010

Course Info
Lecture Notes

Course Information

Term and Course Credit: Spring 2010, 3 credit hours

Time and Place:  Lecture: MW 5:30 PM - 6:50 PM, Room 239

Instructor: Dr. Aleksandar Milenkovic     
    Email: milenka
    Office: 217-L
    Phone: (256) 824 6830
    Office Hours: M: 1:00-2:00 PM and W: 4:00-5:00 PM

Class Web page: http://www.ece.uah.edu/~milenka/cpe631-10S

This course surveys architecture and organization of modern computing systems including: CPU design, instruction sets, memory hierarchy, pipelined machines, and multiprocessors.  The emphasis is on the major component subsystems of high performance computers: pipelining, instruction level parallelism, thread-level parallelism, memory hierarchies, input/output, and network-oriented interconnections.  The course introduces techniques and tools for quantitative analysis and evaluation of modern computing systems and their components.

Text Book
J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 4th Edition,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishing Co., Menlo Park, CA. 2006. ISBN: 978-0-12-370490-0, ISBN10: 0-12-370490-1 

o Joseph A. Fisher, Paolo Faraboschi, Cliff Young,
Embedded Computing A VLIW Approach to Architecture, Compilers and Tools, 
Morgan Kaufmann Publishing Co., Menlo Park, CA. 2004. ISBN: 978-1-55860-766-8, ISBN10: 1-55860-766-8.

o Dezso Sima, Terence Fountain, Peter Kacsuk,  Advanced Computer Architectures: A Design Space Approach,
Addison-Wesley, 1998. ISBN: 0-201-42291-3.

Prerequisites: CPE 512 Parallel Programming, CPE 431 / CPE 531 Introduction to Computer Architecture, or equivalent courses

Academic Misconduct
Academic Honesty.  Your written assignments and examinations must be your own work.  Academic Misconduct will not be tolerated.  To insure that you are aware of what is considered academic misconduct, you should review carefully the definition and examples provided in Article III. Code of Student Conduct, Student Handbook, p. 93. If you have questions in this regard, please contact me without delay.

Use of Prior Work.  You may not submit in fulfillment of requirements in this course any work submitted, presented, or used by you in any other course.

Consent to Use of Turnitin.com.  UAH is committed to the fundamental values of preserving academic honesty as defined in the Student Handbook (7.III.A, Code of Student Conduct).  The instructor reserves the right to utilize electronic means to help prevent plagiarism.  Students agree that by taking this course all assignments are subject to submission for textual similarity review to Turnitin.com.  Assignments submitted to Turnitin.com will be included as source documents in Turnitin.com’s restricted access database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism in such documents.  The terms that apply to the University’s use of the Turnitin.com service, as well as additional information about the company, are described at www. uah.edu/library/turnitin.

Classroom Conduct.
  All students in the class must treat others with civility and respect and conduct themselves during class sessions in a way that does not unreasonably interfere with the opportunity of other students to learn. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in points being deducted from a student’s final numerical average, up to a maximum of 15 points.

Copyright Aleksandar Milenkovic 2010.
  All federal and state copyrights in my lectures and course materials are reserved by me.  You are authorized to take notes in class for your own personal use and for no other purpose. You are not authorized to record my lectures or to make any commercial use of them or to provide them to anyone else other than students currently enrolled in this course, without my prior written permission.  In addition to legal sanctions for violations of copyright law, students found in violation of these prohibitions may be subject to University disciplinary action under the Code of student Conduct.

Important Dates
Project Proposals – February 24, 2010 (Wedensday)
Midterm Exam – March 1, 2010 (Monday) @ 5:30 – 6:50
Final Project Due – May 03, 2010 (Monday) @ 6:00 PM
Final Exam – May 03, 2010 (Monday) @ (6:30 PM – 9:00 PM)

Grading Policy
Final course grades will be determined in the manner outlined below:

 % of Final Grade

Tentative Syllabus

1. Fundamentals of Computer Design (Chapter 1)
2. Review: Pipelining Basic and Intermediate Concepts (Appendix A)
3. Memory Hierarchy (Appendix C, Chapter 5)
4. Inside Processors
    Instruction Set Principles (Appendix B)
    Instruction Level Parallelism and Its Exploitation (Chapter 2)
    Limits on Instruction-Level Parallelism (Chapter 3)
5. Multiprocessors and Thread-Level Parallelism (Chapter 4)
6. Storage (Chapter 6)
7. Networks (Apendix E), if time

I reserve the right to change the above schedule based upon the needs of the course.

 Lecture Notes

Lecture notes will be available in PPT and PDF format.
The notes may be subject to slightly change.

Session Date Topic   Readings
#1 (M) 01/11/10 Introduction pptpdf(4/1) Ch. 1;
#2 (W) 01/13/10 Performance, Benchmarks, Measurements   Ch. 1;~docs/ (PAPI) 
#- (M) 01/18/10 No classes (MLK day)

#3 (W) 01/20/10 Review: pipelining  pptpdf(4/1)  Appeendix A; Read Appendix B;
#4 (M) 01/25/10
#5 (W) 01/27/10 Review: Instruction Set Design  pptpdf(4/1) Appendix A;  Appendix B; ~docs/ (SimpleScalar)
#6 (M) 02/01/10 Caches  pptpdf(4/1) Chapter 5
#7 (W) 02/03/10 Memory  pptpdf(4/1) Chapter 5
#8 (M) 02/08/10 ILP Dynamic   pptpdf(4/1) Chapter 2
#9 (W) 02/10/10

#10 (M) 02/15/10 Branch Predictors  pptpdf(4/1) Chapter 2
#11 (W) 02/17/10

#12 (M) 02/22/10 ILP, Static   pptpdf(4/1)
#13 (W) 02/24/10

#14 (M) 03/01/10 Midterm Exam  

#15 (W) 03/03/10 Simultaneous Multithreading  ppt  Pentium 4: pptpdf(4/1)
#16 (M) 03/08/10 Vector processing pptpdf(4/1)
#17 (W) 03/10/10 Multiprocessors   pptpdf(4/1)
#- (M) 03/15/10 Spring Break
#- (W) 03/17/10 Spring Break
#18 (M) 03/22/10 Multiprocessors
#19 (W) 03/24/10
#20  (M) 03/29/10
#21 (W) 03/31/10
#22 (M) 04/05/10

#23 (W) 04/07/10
#24  (M) 04/12/10
#25 (W) 04/14/10

#26 (M) 04/19/10
#27 (M)
Project presentations

#28 (W)
Last class, Project presentation



 HW #1
 HW #2

 HW #3

 HW #4

 HW #5



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