Laboratory for
Microbenchmarks for
Determining |
Aleksandar Milenkovic, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer
301 Sparkman Drive
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
AL 25899
Email: milenka@ece.uah.edu
URL: http://www.ece.uah.edu/~milenka
To learn more:
M. Milenkovic, A. Milenkovic, J. Kulick,
for Determining Branch Predictor Organization,”
Practice & Experience, Vol 34, Issue 5, April 2004, pp. 465
- 487.
Abstract. In order to achieve an optimum performance of a given application on a given computer platform, a program developer or compiler must be aware of computer architecture parameters, including those related to branch predictors. Although dynamic branch predictors are designed with the aim to automatically adapt to changes in branch behavior during program execution, code optimizations based on the information about predictor structure can greatly increase overall program performance. Yet, exact predictor implementations are seldom made public, even though processor manuals provide valuable optimization hints.
This paper presents an experiment flow with a
series of
microbenchmarks that determine the organization and size of a branch
using on-chip performance monitoring registers. Such knowledge can be
either for manual code optimization or for design of new, more
architecture-aware compilers. Three examples illustrate how insight
into exact
branch predictor organization can be directly applied to code
optimization. The
proposed experiment flow is illustrated with microbenchmarks tuned for
Pentium III and Pentium 4 processors, although they can easily be
adapted for
other architectures. The described approach can also be used during
design for performance evaluation of various branch predictor
organizations and
for testing and validation during implementation.
1. Determining BTB organization
2. Outcome predictor experiment flow