How to compile & run SBC-related programs ***************************************** Note: All programs are tested on x86 Linux. 1. Compilation -------------- -------------- din_plus2sbc.c, sbc2din_plus.c, and sbc2din.c are self-contained programs. The compilation is trivial, e.g., gcc -o3 din_plus2sbc.c -o din_plus2sbc. dinero4sbc.tgz includes following files: sbcfmt.c sbcfmt.h tracein.h tracein.c cmdmain.c cmdargs.c cmdargs.h The steps to install these modifications: 1) Unpack the original dineroIV tar (d4-7.tar) 2) Unpack dinero4sbc.tgz 3) Run ./configure make (as explained in dinero README) 2. Arguments -------------- -------------- din_plus2sbc.c -------------- trace_name file_num1 file_num2 FIFO_size Converts to sbc dinero+ traces trace_name.i.bin.gz, where i = file_num1 to file_num2. FIFO_size is the size of the FIFO buffer for data address compression. Example: din_plus2sbc vortex_f2b 1 100 4000 sbc2din_plus.c -------------- trace_name file_num1 file_num2 0/1 Converts to dinero+ sbc traces T1.trace_name.I.i.bin.gz, C3.trace_name.I.i.bin.gz, where i = file_num1 to file_num2. Last argument must be 0 or 1 - 0 if we want only binary dinero+ trace format, and 1 if we also want ASCII format. Example: sbc2din_plus vortex_f2b 1 101 0 sbc2din.c --------- Same arguments as sbc2din_plus.c Example: sbc2din vortex_f2b 1 101 0 dineroIV --------- Additional arguments and argument options: -informat s : SBC trace format -maxtrace : max SBC trace file number, reads from 1 to maxtrace -trname : trace name, as above Example: dineroIV -informat s -trname vortex_f2b -maxtrace 101 -l1-isize 16K -l1-dsize 16K -l1-ibsize 32 -l1-dbsize 32