CoCentric(R) SystemC Compiler Tutorial

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About This Tutorial
SystemC Design Phases
Exploring a Sample FIR Filter Design
Simulating the Behavioral FIR Filter Design
Synthesizing the Behavioral FIR Filter Design
Analyzing a Design With BCView
Simulating the RTL FIR Filter Design
Synthesizing the RTL FIR Filter Design
Comparing the Results of Behavioral and RTL
Some Final Thoughts
Next Steps

About This Tutorial

This tutorial introduces you to the Synopsys CoCentric SystemC Compiler tool. It shows you how to invoke and use SystemC Compiler to synthesize a behavioral design, analyze the synthesized design with the BCView analyzer tool, synthesize an RTL design, and compare the results of behavioral and RTL synthesis. It also explores some of the issues you need to consider when coding in SystemC for hardware, and it offers suggestions about whether to code in the behavioral or RTL style. Labs are provided so you can see the highlights of the two coding styles and explore some of the implications of these styles.

The estimated completion time for this tutorial is 2 to 3 hours. After you complete the tutorial, you are encouraged to take the following Synopsys classes to learn more about the SystemC language and SystemC Compiler:

Optimal Use of the Tutorial

For optimal use of this tutorial, display the tutorial and run SystemC Compiler on the same UNIX workstation. This gives you the advantage of copying and pasting examples and commands from the tutorial into the SystemC Compiler environment. If you prefer, you can print the tutorial and work from the printed copy.

Accessing the Tutorials

This tutorial and the associated lab files are provided in the SystemC Compiler installation in the $SYNOPSYS/doc/syn/ccsc/ccsc_tutorial directory. Copy this directory and its contents into your home directory.


unix% cp -r $SYNOPSYS/doc/syn/scc/ccsc_tutorial $HOME

The ccsc_tutorial directory structure is similar to the following:

The ccsc_tutorial directory contains the following:

SystemC Compiler User Manuals

The Synopsys Online Documentation (SOLD) is provided in the SystemC Compiler installation, and it includes the following SystemC Compiler manuals:

To access SOLD, enter

unix% $SYNOPSYS/sold

Refer to these manuals for more details about SystemC coding and SystemC Compiler commands. These manuals also contain other design examples that you can use.

SystemC Design Phases

Creating a synthesizable design in SystemC is a two-phase process, as illustrated in the following figure:

The process of creating a synthesizable design consists of the following steps:
  1. Code the design and the testbench with the desired functionality and simulate.
  2. Refine the design for synthesis.
  3. Synthesize the design.
  4. Simulate to verify the final gate-level design.

Good design practice does suggest that if your refinement changes involve changes to the source code, that you repeat simulation in the Design Phase before proceeding with Synthesis.

During the design phase, you create a SystemC circuit and a testbench, as illustrated in the following figure:

The executable output after compiling the SystemC design is a simulator, depicted as the System in the previous illustration. Notice that the system is the main.cpp file. It includes the design and the testbench, and it establishes the signal connections between them through the ports and signals.

When you execute the make command to create the executable, the resulting file (here named run.x) can be executed and your testbench monitor (usually a print output) displays the results.

The inputs to the SystemC makefile for the behavioral version of this design are illustrated in the following figure:

This figure shows the minimum system, which is a testbench (stimulus and display) and the circuit (fir). It consists of the target design files (fir.cpp and fir.h) and the testbench files (stimulus.cpp, stimulus.h, display.cpp, and display.h). The system simulator is the main.cpp file that instantiates the testbench and design.

Exploring a Sample FIR Filter Design

This tutorial uses a FIR filter design written in synthesizable SystemC and implements it in hardware with SystemC Compiler synthesis. It also explores some variations of timing and other parameters to observe the effect on the final synthesized output of this design.

The FIR filter design is implemented in both the behavioral coding style and RTL coding style. Each style has its advantages and disadvantages, some of which are explored in this tutorial.

A behavioral coding style is an algorithm or a pseudocode description. An RTL design is a structural implementation. SystemC Compiler can synthesis both behavioral and RTL designs into hardware.

The purpose of the first lab session is to familiarize you with the constituent parts of the behavioral version of this design and testbench, to run the simulation, and to walk through the steps of using SystemC Compiler under normal conditions. The second part explores the RTL version of this design.

For this first lab, follow the steps explicitly to understand the typical command flow before you experiment with alternate commands and options.

Compiling and Simulating the Behavioral FIR Filter Design

To begin the lab, change to the $HOME/ccsc_tutorial/fir directory and list its contents.

If you are not familiar with the operation of a FIR Filter or need detailed information regarding the SystemC model, see the fir description.

To compile the examples in this tutorial, you need to execute the make or gmake command at the UNIX prompt to compile and link the design.


unix% gmake -f Makefile.gcc

Notice there are several versions of the Makefile, one for each operating system (Solaris, HPUX, linux) for the behavioral fir filter design, and a similar set for the rtl version of the design. Use your favorite editor to view these if you wish. Also notice there is a README file, which describes the FIR filter and the design files. There are also a number of files with "rtl" in their name. These files are for the RTL version of this design for the second lab session.

The gmake command uses the default setting in the Makefile.defs file. It defines the location of the SystemC class library, which is probably in a different location for your installation. If you get errors, check the Makefile.def file and make the appropriate changes for your installation. For more information, see compiler requirements and environment variables, or check with your system administrator for help.

If you get errors, you can remove the previously generated executable files by entering:
unix% gmake -f Makefile.gcc ultraclean
Then enter the gmake -f Makefile.gcc command again.

When gmake -f Makefile.gcc executes correctly, it generates the executable files, run.x, fir.x, and so forth in the current directory. To see these files, enter

unix% ls -a

Run the simulation by entering

unix% run.x

The simulation output shows the stimulus, the time it was applied, the display response, and the time it occurred. For example,

fir-behavioral version output
Stimuli : 0 at time 9
Display : 0 at time 10
Stimuli : 1 at time 19
Display : -6 at time 20

You will use this output later in the tutorial to compare the results of the behavioral and RTL synthesis.

Synthesizing the Behavioral FIR Design

Now that you have seen the output of the behavioral FIR filter and are satisfied it is functioning correctly, you will use SystemC Compiler to synthesize it.

SystemC Compiler is fully integrated with Design Compiler. The typical commands for synthesizing the design are shown in the following figure:

You invoke SystemC Compiler from within Design Compiler. Start the Design Compiler dc_shell by entering the following at a UNIX prompt:

unix% dc_shell

Getting Help While Using SystemC Compiler

While you are using SystemC Compiler, you can get additional information about the commands and variables from the help command. The help command displays man page information. For example, to display the man page for the compile_systemc command, enter

dc_shell> help compile_systemc

To display information about the bc_enable_analysis_info variable, enter

dc_shell> help bc_enable_analysis_info

Using a Command Script

The commands used in this lab session can be entered as a script. The script fir_beh.scr provides the commands for the behavioral version of the design, and fir_rtl.scr provides the commands for the RTL version.

To execute the behavioral command script, you would enter
dc_shell> include fir_beh.scr
Or from the UNIX shell prompt, you could invoke the script with
unix% dc_shell -f fir_beh.scr

Later, when you do the RTL portion of this tutorial you will use a script, but for the first time through with the behavioral design, it is useful to invoke the individual commands manually.

Synthesis Commands for the FIR design

  1. To use SystemC Compiler, you first need to define variables that establish the technology library and other libraries to use for the design. You also need to define a library for the generated design files. Enter

    dc_shell> search_path = search_path + "$SYNOPSYS/libraries/syn"

    dc_shell> target_library = {"tc6a_cbacore.db"};

    dc_shell> synthetic_library = {"dw01.sldb","dw02.sldb"}

    dc_shell> link_library = {"*"} + target_library + synthetic_library

  2. Set the bc_enable_analysis_info variable to true to configure your design for later analysis with the BCView analysis environment. Enter

    dc_shell> bc_enable_analysis_info = "true"

  3. Invoke the compile_systemc command for the FIR behavioral design. Enter

    dc_shell> compile_systemc fir.cpp

    For a list of compile_systemc options, see the CoCentric SystemC Compiler Behavioral User's Guide or the compile_systemc man page.

    You can write the initial output of the compile_systemc command as an elaborated database. Look at the fir_beh.scr script to see the syntax for the write command.

  4. Set any initial constraints. You only need to define the create_clock command. Enter

    dc_shell> create_clock CLK -p 25

    Other constraints are not necessary, but you might want to know how to instruct SystemC Compiler to not use certain libraries or implementations. You can use the set_dont_use command to

    For example,

    dc_shell> set_dont_use dw01.sldb/*/bk

    dc_shell> set_dont_use dw01.sldb/*/csm

    dc_shell> set_dont_use dw01.sldb/*/clf

    dc_shell> set_dont_use dw01.sldb/*/rpl

  5. Invoke the bc_check_design command.

    dc_shell> bc_check_design

    The bc_check_design command is optional, however, it checks for errors that could prevent your design from being scheduled. Because bc_time_design can take some time on larger designs, it is best to perform bc_check_design to catch syntax errors before timing the design.

  6. Invoke the bc_time_design command.

    dc_shell> bc_time_design

    After the design is successfully timed, it is recommended that you save the timed database with the write command. At a later time you can read the timed database into SystemC Compiler to explore different scheduling possibilities.

  7. Invoke the schedule command. For this schedule, choose an I/O mode of superstate and establish a scheduling effort of low. Enter

    dc_shell> schedule -io super -effort low

    To learn more about scheduling modes, see the CoCentric SystemC Compiler Behavioral User Guide.

    After scheduling the design, it is recommended you write the scheduled database with the write command. See the command syntax in the fir_beh.scr script.

  8. Write the results of scheduling to a file for future analysis. Enter

    dc_shell> report_schedule -sum > fir_beh.rpt

Analyzing the Design With BCView

After scheduling the design, you can invoke BCView. BCView is an analysis tool that lets you view resource allocation and other characteristics of your scheduled design. BCView is not an error correction tool. If you want to make changes to your design, you can either re-schedule with different constraints, or re-code and start over with the compile_systemc command.

Note: To use BCView you must have set bc_enable_analysis_info = true prior to invoking the compile_systemc command.

To invoke BCView, the graphical design analysis tool, enter

dc_shell> bc_view

When you invoke bc_view, a set of windows similar following display:

Chapter 6, "Analyzing Designs With BCView," in the CoCentric SystemC Compiler Behavioral User Guide provides a complete explanation of the BCView windows and how to use BCView.

Use BCView to find design or constraint problems. If there is a problem with the basic design, you will need to make changes in the source code and run the compile_systemc command again. If your problems can be solved by changing scheduling or timing constraints, you can either edit your script or invoke the dc_shell commands at the command line and re-schedule.

BCView invokes with four or five windows. BCView displays the following windows:

  1. Code Browser
  2. Selection Inspector
  3. Finite State Machine (FSM) Viewer
  4. Reservation Table
  5. If there are errors, the Scheduling Error Analyzer (SEA)

BCView allows you to step through the operation of your design in a cross-highlighted graphical way. When you click an item in one BCView window, the relevant items are highlighted in the other BCView windows. For example, if you click a path in the Finite State Machine (FSM) Viewer, the relevant code section in highlighted in the Code Browser window and the registers, clocks, I/O ports, and so forth for that state transition are highlighted in the Reservation Table window.

The Scheduling Error Analyzer (SEA) window displays only if there are scheduling errors. It displays a beginning node in the FSM (shown at the top), an ending node in the FSM (shown at the bottom), and the path (transition) between these nodes that the scheduler was not able to schedule. The right-hand arc is annotated with the constraint that prevented scheduling. SEA also shows another path as an arc on the left-hand side, which is annotated with the minimum constraint value schedule you need to provide for this path in the FSM to schedule.

The Finite State Machine (FSM) Viewer derives its display from your behavioral source code after your design is scheduled. States in the state machine are shown as bubbles, and transitions from one state to another are shown as arcs. If you click a state, the code of that state is highlighted. You can then press the Tab key to execute the transition to the next state. If there is an alternate transition possible out of a state, pressing Ctrl-Tab takes the alternate path.

As the illustration below demonstrates, the Reservation Table Viewer displays a lot of information in a very compact format. The illustration below is not precisely the screen you will see when you run BCView against the fir design, it is an annotated example intended to explain the various windows of BCView.

In the Reservation Table, you can observe whenever I/O ports are accessed, when operations span more than one clock cycle multicycle operations), what resources (adders, multipliers, and so forth) are used and when they are used in the design, how loops actually operate, the function of combinational and chain delayed operations, and the position within a clock cycle where an operation occurs. Details about these operations are explained in the CoCentric SystemC Compiler class.

Analyzing Your FIR Design

With your scheduled FIR design in SystemC Compiler, analyze your design by doing the following steps:
  1. Start BCView by entering

    dc_shell> bc_view

  2. Select the first transition in the FSM Viewer, as shown in the following figures:

    Notice that items in the Reservation Table highlight and the code section corresponding to that transition selection in the Code Browser is hightlighted.

    Click the Prev File Next File button to view the C/C++ file (shown by default), and click Prev File Next File again to see the header file.

  3. Look at the Reservation Table, which should look the the following figure:

    Due to your transition selection, output ports are highlighted. These correspond to the write statements highlighted in the code section. A full exploration and explanation of the capabilities of BCView is beyond the scope of this tutorial. You can, however, experiment with the cross-highlighting and observe how you can use the FSM Viewer and the Reservation Table to single-step through your design.

  4. Experiment with your FIR design by stepping through the states of the state machine. Observe the sections of the code that are highlighted, and observe the corresponding resources that are highlighted in the reservation table.

  5. Click elements in the reservation table and note the corresponding highlighting in other windows.

  6. Unselect everything by clicking in the FSM viewer off the FSM.

    Then in the Reservation Table, select the outer loop of the design. The Selection Inspector window will display the overall statistics about your design, including such items as scheduling, area, and timing. Notice that as you pass the cursor over elements in the Reservation Table (and in other windows as well) a pop-up "tip" message appears to identify the element in your design.

When you are finished with BCView, click Exit in the Code Browser window, and confirm you want to exit from BCView.

Compiling the Design to Gates and Generating Results

When you are satisfied with the scheduling and results of your design, invoke the compile command from within dc_shell. Enter

dc_shell> compile

When compilation is complete, write out the gate database and create a timing report and area report. Enter

dc_shell> write -hier -f db -o fir_gate.db

dc_shell> report_timing > beh_timing.rpt

dc_shell> report_area > beh_area.rpt

When this is complete, you can exit from dc_shell.

dc_shell> exit

Read the timing and area reports to learn what the compile procedure produced.

Simulating RTL FIR Filter Design

The RTL version of this FIR filter design, shown in the following figure, is organized differently than the behavioral version.

This hierarchical RTL design has a fir_top.cpp file that instantiates the fir_fsm state control module and a fir_data module. The fir_fsm is the finite state machine for the FIR filter, and the fir_data provides the coefficient set that replaces the coeff.h used in the behavioral FIR design.

The main_rtl.cpp file connects the fir_top to the stimulus and display modules through its ports and signals, similar to the behavioral model.

The following figure shows the files of the RTL FIR design:

To compile the RTL FIR design, use the make or gmake command with the gmake -f option to select the appropriate Makefile for the RTL design. Enter

unix% gmake -f Makefile.rtl

When the gmake command executes correctly, it creates a new RTL executable, run_rtl.x.

Run the simulation by entering

unix% run_rtl.x

Compare the RTL simulation results to the behavioral simulation results you generated from running the run.x simulation.

Compare the output of the two model implementations. There are some differences between the two outputs. In the behavioral version there is a one "cycle" delay between input and output, whereas there is a three cycle delay in the RTL version. In the behavioral version, as soon as input data is complete, the model executes and places data at the output. In the RTL version, the state machine has a reset state that requires three cycles to execute, and three states must execute before the output occurs. Except for the differences in the number of cycles to execute, the output values match between the two models because they are functionally equivalent.

Synthesizing the RTL FIR Design

The steps to synthesize the RTL-style SystemC code to a gate-level database are shown below:

At this point, synthesize and compile your RTL coded FIR filter to gates with the fir_rtl.scr script. Enter

unix% dc_shell -f fir_rtl.scr

Looking at the fir_rtl.scr script, you will see the compile_systemc -rtl options available for RTL synthesis are different than those you use for behavioral synthesis. Architecture and scheduling constraints are all pre-defined in your code when you design using the RTL style. You can, however, use the Synopsys Design Analyzer tool to graphically view the results of your compile_systemc -rtl step. You can also invoke design_vision, setup a command window in Design Analyzer, and invoke compile_systemc -rtl within this environment.

Comparing the Results of Behavioral and RTL Synthesis

Allow the fir_rtl.scr script to run to completion. Then compare the two sets of report files, beh_area.rpt and rtl_area.rpt, and beh_timing.rpt and rtl_timing.rpt. Now that you have seen how these two models function, it might be useful to read both the fir, fir_top, and fir_fsm files to correlate how these two styles of modeling were implemented when you look at the simulation results.

Invoke the Synopsys Design Vision tool. Enter

unix% design_vision

If this is the first time you have invoked this tool, it will take a few moments to build registry information. When this is done, the Design Vision screen displays.

In the File menu, select Read. In the dialog box, select fir_rtl_gate.db, and click OK.

In the Edit window the symbol of the RTL version of the fir filter design appears.

Select the symbol by clicking it in the Edit window.

In the View menu, select Change to Schematic View. Your generated schematic is displayed in the Edit window.
Using the View menu, select Highlight > Critical Path.

In the Edit window the critical path of your design is highlighted.

Repeat the steps you just performed to open the results of compilation of the behavioral design, which are contained in the fir_gate.db file. Notice the actual generated schematic is different, although when you inspect it, you will see that it is functionally the same.

There are many other features of Design Vision. If you want to learn more about Design Vision, select the Online Tutorial in the Help menu.

You are now finished with this tutorial. You explored simple operation of the tools and looked at some of the design details.

The following is a bonus step you can perform:

Some Final Thoughts

As you saw in the tutorial you just completed, it only shows a little of the topics we have discussed. This tutorial showed some of the basics of modeling in the RTL style and in the behavioral style. You learned the basics of invoking and using SystemC Compiler and how to use the analyzer, BCView, to explore the design operation.

This tutorial did not discuss issues such as:

and a host of other topics too numerous to list. These topics are beyond the scope of a short tutorial.

Another topic not covered is communication protocols and how you can use them to separate the communication behavior of a module from its function. This allows easy retargeting of a design to different platforms. SystemC provides multi-level communications semantics so you can describe your system and module communication interface at the data transaction level, the bus-cycle level, or the clock-cycle level. This provides you with the level of abstraction you need to model your system.

Finally, you can configure your design for and FPGA implementation, too. This tutorial demonstrates the usage of the tool through the ASIC flow, but with one simple additional command, set_fpga properly placed in your dc_shell command script, you can target an FPGA device. This, and many other topics are covered in the classes discussed below.

Next Steps

If you have not already done so, the next step is to take the CoCentric SystemC Compiler class and the Advanced CoCentric SystemC Compiler class. You can register for these classes on the following web sites, which are links to your nearest Synopsys Education Center:

North America Workshops
United Kingdom
Other European Countries
Other Asia Pacific Countries

Additionally, classes about the SystemC language are available from Willamette HDL . SystemC classes are also provided by other companies in many countries, which are listed in the SystemC Open Community web site.